Derrion Gibson vs Elon Musk War of Good vs Evil

As the world is being overtaken by Evil, just as Jesus said back in his day, I am the only way to God. In the War of Good V. Evil, "God is Good". If Evil is Slavery and Good is freedom, your best bet to be saved from being enslaved is to "Find Christ".

Find Christ and Be Saved

As predicted in Revelations, the End of the World and before that the End of Civilization is upon us. One of the most important things to realize is that in the End, God wins. But, not before The AntiChrist (Elon Musk) wrecks havoc amongst the Human Race, with the intent on a complete Genocide that depopulates the world down to one person.

Being Christ, which a Greek word defined as the God anointed Messiah (savior), my (Derrion Gibson) job is to prevent this from happening. I was literally told this by God as he doesn't want his greatest creation to be overtaken by Evil, which is slavery, then killed off. This is the plan of the Antichrist, as he attempts to win the War of Good v. Evil on Evil's behalf.

As Evil's invasion of the world grows, the only way to survive is to Find Christ. Below is Derrion Gibson's updated location. As much as they want you to come to them, going to the police on your own is a trap as they're in an Extortion and Sex Trafficking Ring and won't help end this situation to keep the Sex Trafficking Ring going and/or prevent themselves from getting in trouble.

Please know that if you read this and are in the same area as me, you're going to be targeted by someone who knows you. Don't trust anyone who mentions me, and if I were you, I'd drop what I'm doing and come find me. Don't call a friend, as you'll just end up being set up. That's why they have a don't be around Derrion rule amongst the Human Trafficking Ring members, that they use to make sure someone is there to people from escaping to the Good side.

I'm is the person you've been waiting to come back and save you from Evil. God is inside of me and when I die, the Universe will end. As Hard as that may be to believe, God is the alpha and omega, the beginning and the end...