Who is Derrion Gibson?

Who is Derrion Gibson?

I'm is the person you've been waiting to come back and save you from Evil. God is inside of me and when I die, the Universe will end. As Hard as that may be to believe, God is the alpha and omega, the beginning and the end. With God inside of me, he deemed me God on Earth.

Being God on Earth means that I'm the person you're supposed to listen to, as I'm the only way to him. If you don't follow me religiously, you end up falling for the traps set by Evil, which as no longer only hidden.

Elon Musk has a Slavery Ring enslaving everyone after funneling them into concentration, by way of sexual, physical, and psychological torture. If you refuse to submit, your life is on the line. That's why it's very important to listen to me. If I warn you about this attack and you believe me, they come after you a lot sooner than you'd like, despite the alternate narrative of this situation being spread that makes me look like the bad guy.

This means that you have to be willing to pick up your sword and walk with me, just as Jesus said to pick up your cross and do the same. My situation is very similar to what Jesus went through, where he refused to join Evil (Matthew 4:8) and was declared a Martyr, which is someone robbed, tortured, and killed for his beliefs and values or for not changing them. He was deplatformed by a Slavery Ring that attacked his followers and Jerusalem, the area where he was most popular. They said they were going after my supporters and potential supporters which included my Business and Basketball Club "The Ballaxy Club", my social followings, and both people under my influence and the Asian Community within Westminster, Fountain Valley, Garden Garden Grove, and Huntington Beach. It has since been spread to cities surrounding those four, such as; Anaheim and Santa Ana and others targeted online after seeing my posts.

Evil wanted me to turn my back on the people and area and become their Jeffery Epstein type character. I love the kids in my life and area way too much to do something like that. On top of that, I'm not the kid of person to force or manipulate people into having sexual relationships with me, like those who were attacking us were. Good V. Evil is also Intelligence V. Unintelligence. Oratory (Social) and many other skills are a part of intelligence, meaning that the more intelligent you are, the more equipped you are to survive without committing crimes or falling into the traps of Evil.

"But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin"
(1 John 1:7)

The light is knowledge (intelligence).

Trust that I'm not saying people who fall into traps are unintelligent. They just lacked the knowledge needed to stay out of harms way, like every human being, until they learn.

Jesus spoke the same as he referred to himself as the light of the world and said that if you walked with him you would not walk in darkness. Remember that there is no School System or Government above God. I am God's Son and God on Earth as he is inside of me until the end of this.

Seek my face and I will heal your land. Do NOT wait!!

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