If I were Officer, Deputy, or Special Agent Christ

If I had the government issued authority to get search warrants with ease, I was have takes the Evidence displayed by BallaxyAG as well as what BallaxyIG and myself have posted on Twitter, and would have used it to secure warrants for all of Elon Musk's text and social platform messages. To be honest, I (Derrion Gibson) and Ballaxy probably have enough to secure an arrest warrant, which I would execute on a Friday morning to give me three more days to collect more evidence against him.

The problem for most who do investigate is, Elon's Pedophile Club has invaded Law Enforcement departments and aren't going to not attack anyone who tried to investigate. If you're familiar with Jeffery Epstein, Boystown, or PizzaGate, you know that Child Sex Trafficking is real and it has a history of being protected.

  • With Epstein, it's widely known that there are lists of influential people who were being extorted to give a higher power control of their ambitions of finances.
  • With Boytown, you know of children begging for help from when it began in 1988, when I was 1 years old, all the way to now, with me being 37, and going through the same situation where I set kids up for success, and the Human Trafficking Industry came in to destroy everything for the kids and rob me of everything I had. That may be a part of the Boystown/Franklin robbery/Trafficking Ring, there was Credit Union run by the founder of boystown, where the kids would help out. That Credit Union was robbed for $39 million dollars, just as I've been robbed of my business infrastructure and trafficked for Intelligence, Influence, and entertainment as Elon Musk's Slave for the past 6ish years.
  • With PizzaGate, there was a Pedophile Club luring kids into the basement of Pizza Parlors to sex traffic them. In the movie "5 Nights at Freddy's", this is subliminally shown as the Animatronics pretended to be the kid's saviors, only to lure them into the basement. After the kids are recruited and "killed", aka concentrated into submission, they're used to help recruit more kids.

With the Epstein Client List being Protected and the reality of Sex Trafficking and Pedophile Club takeover at Boystown and in PizzaGate being protected, all 3 situations are not only relatable to ours, but were at one point being performed by the same groups, The Ku Klux Klan Invisible Empire. This was the Human Trafficking Industry as well as the organizers of runaway slave hunts around the world. They always use an Extortion and Sex Trafficking Ring, called an "Illuminati" to control witnesses. People throughout the Illuminati are turned into gangs and used to eliminate witnesses who and others who want to fight for good, but don't know that they can't do it without Finding Christ and working with him.

If you're familiar with the Old Ku Klux Klan that used to ride around wear Bed Sheets that they poked two holes in to see out of, you know they also invaded cities. What most don't know is that, they were doing the same thing, just publicly.

If I were sworn law enforcement, I would have taken them out years ago. If someone else who's sworn law enforcement would have worked directly with me instead of sticking with the narrative that they cant talk to me about this situation, we would have done the same together. Now, I'm running the Ballaxy Justice Division [BallaxyIG (BIG) and BallaxyAG (BAG)] to handle it myself.

The problem with me investigating myself is that, just like with Jesus, my people were funneled into a slavery ring by Evil and false prophets and are being held hostage. Jesus had to submit to Evil and allow them to kill them to, what he thought was save their lives. In my situation, Elon Musk and his pedophile Club have the intent of continuing this rape and murder-fest until the world ends. I don't have a choice but to keep going, but when I do, some hostages are killed earlier than they would have been had I given up. Without Law Enforcement siding exclusively with me, instead of wavering both sides, like everyone else does, this is something that me and the hostages are forced to go through. It's also something being spread around the world, so it may eventually hold the entire Human Race hostage in my name, without them knowing who I am, as members of the illuminati are all tasked with helping rob me of my existence/influence.

I don't want kids being sex trafficked. If i can't shut this down stop this from spreading around the world, I at least want to be the one that keeps the kids safe, then shuts it down later.

The Resistance is forming at Ballaxy.Club!

If they have you right now and you're being shown my websites, computer, or phone screen, don't fight back if you want to survive long enough to possibly get to me. Don't even think about fighting back or think about me in a positive light, as they're listening to you think. It's all apart of you being concentrated into going against me and liking them. They want to be "The New Derrion", replicate my existence (intelligence, personality, and influence), but it's a sex trafficking version, because they want people to have sex with them. It's being spread around the world as a coverup as well as to give people who're like them the ability to have sex as well. They said, "everyone with a penis should be able to have sex" and you're being forced into it because no one else wanted them.

This is the Neuralink New World Order!

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